Why buy soil carbon credits in Australia

Buy soil carbon credits from a range of agricultural projects in Australia.

In doing so you can help farmers to continue to improve their soil quality across Australia’s food bowl, offset your hard to abate emissions and protect the planet.


Manage your soil carbon credit portfolio

Our team can work with you to help you manage your carbon credit portfolio including soil carbon credits so you can align it with your:

    • Regulatory obligations


    • Brand and business objectives


    • ESG requirements


    • Shareholder and customer expectations

    As a buyer of soil carbon credits under the ACCU methodology and the voluntary methodologies such as Verra’s Improved Agricultural Land Management (VM 0042) and Gold Standard’s Soil Organic Carbon Framework, we have unique skills and insights to be able to assist you in building your soil carbon offset portfolio.

    Types of carbon credits

    We have access to a range of soil carbon credits approved under Australian and international schemes, standards and methodologies. These include credits which comply with:

    • Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) issued by the Clean Energy Regulator

    • Verified Emissions Reductions (VERs) issued by Gold Standard

    • Verified Carbon Units (VCUs) issued by the Verified Carbon Standard