What we offer

We provide you access to the carbon markets ecosystem to help channel capital into technology and nature based solutions


We invest in high quality technology and nature-based carbon projects that answer the call for help in resolving social inequality and biodiversity loss.

Through our longstanding proprietary relationships with project developers we originate long-term carbon offtake agreements.

Our focus is on both avoidance and removal nature-based projects such as REDD+ and blue carbon.


Carbon Specialist

Corporate Solutions

We provide corporate solutions to wholesale clients across compliance and voluntary carbon markets.

By working to understand your drivers, our team can help tailor a program that considers your desired investment position, budget, compliance and ESG goals. We can then bring the program to life through a variety of transaction methods including establishing and managing a fund.

We also provide you with registry management services, custody, transfers, valuations and reporting to help you unlock voluntary carbon markets.

Asset Management

We provide wholesale investors with access to carbon as an asset class through an Individual Managed Accounts (IMAs) or the VT Carbon Fund.

Through an IMA you can invest in the carbon assets that align with your net-zero goals.

Our team will work with you to develop a carbon portfolio to suit your needs.