Viridios Capital is pleased to announce our support for Cambodia’s voluntary REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) projects, which have been developed by the Wildlife Conservation Society and Wildlife Alliance in partnership with the Royal Government of Cambodia.
The agreement, which was signed in Sharm El Sheikh this week, covers more than 10 million tonnes of Verified Emission Reductions (VERs) from three of Cambodia’s voluntary REDD+ projects.
By helping to fund REDD+ projects we are working to protect some of the most vulnerable forests in Cambodia, and support communities in stopping deforestation.
REDD+ is a proven UN-envisioned climate change mitigation approach that enables communities and governments to secure performance-based payments from the voluntary carbon markets for emissions reductions generated through effective forest protection.
REDD+ projects address the root causes of deforestation, by enabling governments, local landowners and forest communities to gain value from conserving their standing forests.
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, deforestation and forest degradation are among the largest contributors to the global climate and biodiversity crises, responsible for 10-12% of all emissions.
Given it will not be possible to stabilise the climate below 1.5 degrees of global heating without stopping deforestation by 2030, Viridios is committed to supporting projects like this to help the world meet its climate targets.