Climate Active (3)

Offsetting emissions under Climate Active

Climate Active certified organisations reporting on a calendar year are required to submit their annual report for 2023 by 31 October.

Under the Climate Active certification scheme, organisations can purchase carbon credits to offset hard to abate emissions to achieve their carbon neutral status.


The full details of the carbon credits purchased and retired are then published by an organisation in a Public Disclosure Statement (PDS).

What is Climate Active?

Climate Active is a voluntary Australian Government scheme designed to certify organisations that have achieved carbon neutrality.

Climate Active certification is available for organisations, products, services, events, precincts and buildings which meet the requirements of the Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard.


Climate Active certification is a great way to communicate the work your organisation is doing to decarbonise and meet your climate targets.  


Timeline for Climate Active reporting

There are two reporting phases for organisations under Climate Active:

  • Calendar year reporting cycle: 1 January – 31 December.

  • Financial year reporting cycle: 1 July – 30 June.

In line with the reporting cycle, organisations are also required to lodge annual reports on the following dates:

  • 30 April for calendar year reporting cycle. 

  • 31 October for the financial year reporting cycle.

Purchase and retire eligible carbon credits

After you have mapped your emissions and fulfilled your Climate Active reporting requirements, you may have to offset hard to abate emissions.

Viridios can help you purchase and retire eligible offset units. We can also provide the information you need for your in the units you have retired for your reporting documents. 


Contact our Corporate Solutions team today to discuss your carbon offsetting requirements.

What carbon credits can be purchased under Climate Active?

Carbon credits used for Climate Active need to have a vintage of 2013 or later.

The following offset units are eligible under the Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard:


  • Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs).
  • Certified Emissions Reductions (CERs).
  • Removal Units (RMUs).
  • Verified Emissions Reductions (VERs) issued by the Gold Standard.
  • Verified Carbon Units (VCUs) issued by the Verified Carbon Standard.


Under the scheme, carbon credits must be retired at or before the time of the claim.