Guide to the environmental planting ACCU method

Contact an environmental planting Specialist With Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) developed using the environmental planting methodology trading at a premium to generic ACCUs, this guide provides an overview of the method. It looks at: The audit process Issuance Permanence periods Timelines Challenges and considerations.      Provide your contact details to read the full […]

What are Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs)?

Get In Touch An overview of the Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU) market in Australia  An Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) is issued by the Clean Energy Regulator (Regulator) and represents one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2-e) not released into the atmosphere as a result of the activity undertaken by a carbon project. ACCUs […]

Cost to generate REDD+ credits in the Voluntary Carbon Market

Contact a REDD+ Specialist This insights paper looks at the cost of generating REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) projects and the financing required to ensure their longevity. REDD+ projects are designed to prevent greenhouse gas emissions stemming from deforestation and forest degradation. The paper covers: REDD+ pricing needed to ensure project longevity […]

What is Article 6 of the Paris Agreement?

Get In Touch Article 6 of the Paris Agreement provides a high-level approach to creating global carbon markets, envisioning three main approaches: cooperation between parties to the Paris Agreement; the establishment of a centralised mechanism to support sustainable development, where credits could be traded, with participation from both public and private sectors; and “non market” […]

More than carbon: Understanding the underlying value of carbon credits

Get In Touch As carbon markets in Australia and internationally continue to evolve, the policies, methodologies and Standards that support them are being improved and the market’s understanding of what drives the price of each carbon credit is maturing. Following the recent policy changes across Australia’s compliance market and improved transparency in the international voluntary […]

Six types of carbon credits

carbon credit

There are several different types of carbon credits, also known as carbon offsets or emissions reductions. These credits represent the reduction, removal, or avoidance of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Here are some common types of carbon credits: Renewable Energy Credits (RECs): These credits are generated from renewable energy projects such as wind, solar, hydroelectric, or […]

How carbon credits fight climate change

Carbon credits fighting climate change

Five ways carbon credits help to fight climate change Carbon credits play a crucial role in fighting climate change by providing a market-based mechanism to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Here are some key reasons why carbon credits are important: Encouraging emission reductions: Carbon credits create financial incentives for organizations and individuals to reduce their […]