Mai Ndombe REDD+ Project in Democratic Republic of Congo

>30,000 local people within three tribal groups (Ntomba, Bolia, and Sengele) spanning across 23 villages Project Investment

299,640ha protected

22,629,251 tCO2e emissions avoided to date People / Communities Impacted

Project Overview

The Mai Ndombe REDD+ project protects areas zoned for logging using carbon revenues to halt the reinstatement of commercial logging contracts. The Project protects 300,000 hectares of critical bonobo and forest elephant habitat within the world’s second-largest intact rainforest and some of the most important wetlands on the planet, the Congo Basin.

Project Location and Biodiversity

The Congo Basin is the second largest tropical rainforest in the world and provides an important carbon sink to mitigate climate change. Lake Mai Ndombe is located in the western part of the Congo Basin. Prior to the Project’s implementation, there was a high risk of complete forest cover loss due to the pattern of timber extraction.  In addition to protecting 299,645 ha of forest, the Project provides land-use services to local employees. In 2012, Det Norske Veritas Climate Change Services AS (DNV) validated the Mai Ndombe REDD+ Project to the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance (CCBA), which is managed by the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS).

Standard and Accreditation

The project proponent for Mai Ndombe is Wildlife Works and is registered according to Verra’s Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Climate, the Community and Biodiversity (CCB) standard and is Gold Level REDD+ verified carbon units (VCU) accredited.

Sustainable Development Goals

The Mai Ndombe REDD+ Project contributes to 14 of the United Nation’s SDGs. The Project employs over 400 local people and supports the operation of 14 Rural Agricultural Management Committees (RAMCs) and 199 Local Development Committees (LDCs), with 30% female representation. The benefits to the community include funds for medical programs, such as mobile clinics, vaccination services and HIV testing. Schooling is provided to nearly 3,000 students who attend the six schools built.


Across 1,178 ha in Mai Ndombe, 1,295,800 fast-growing acacia seedlings have been planted to provide fuel, charcoal and building materials and relieve pressure on natural forests. The deforestation-protected rainforest is home to 20 endangered Bonobos and 30 endangered Forest Elephants.


Payments from the Forest Carbon Partnership Facilities (FCPF) fund are assigned by the World Bank and the DRC Government to farmers under an Emission Reductions Payment Agreement (ERPA the first of its kind to be incorporated into the World Bank’s carbon fund in 2016. The Mai Ndombe Project has benefitted 2,772 smallholders –  almost half of which are women.

Carbon Credits

Viridios Capital has access to a significant allocation of the Mai Ndombe REDD+ credits. The Project has issued 175 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) to date. An average of 5.7 million tCO2e reductions per year are achieved through the conservation management of the Project. Contact our Corporate Solutions team to learn more.



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