Sub-Saharan Africa – Cookstoves Project

Project Overview

Nearly 2.4 billion people cook their meals using inefficient three-stone fires, typically three-stone fires that burn solid biomass fuels, like wood & charcoal. They’re inefficient, unhealthy, dangerous, and a major contributor to carbon emissions worldwide.


Project developer of the Sub Sahara Cookstoves Project, C-Quest Capital, specialises in designing methodologies and processes and undertaking research to quantify and independently verify outcomes in line with UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for its cookstoves projects. This program consists of a portfolio of 11 projects across 9 countries.

Project Location and Biodiversity

Providing households in Angola, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe with a unique double stove system so families can cook food simultaneously, mitigating the need to use an open fire in parallel. This ensures that the health benefits and time savings of eliminating open fire can be fully realized.



  • CQC’s stove enables fuel-switching to fully sustainable crop residues and small branches of trees and shrubs that regrow readily, making cooking energy sustainable and using it cleanly and efficiently.
  • CQC has internalised production of parts in Africa away from India and China where most of the world’s improved stoves are made then exported to Africa. This supply chain change has created local employment, mostly for women as trainers in stove construction and use, registration of stoves and as stove champions with up to a thousand clients they visit at least once a year paid by the stove programs.
  • CQC’s rocket stove increases thermal efficiency to 30%, cutting CO2 emissions in half or more, and greatly reducing non-CO2 gas and Black Carbon emissions.
  • CQC integrates its cookstove interventions in sustainable agriculture through its partnerships with conservation farming NGOs and organic farming enterprises at the small-holder level, internalizing fuel supply in cropping systems and on farm and village border plantings to create a virtuous circle of sustainable land management.

Standard and Accreditation

The Cookstove projects are verified and validated through the industry-leading verification standards of Verra, and impact will be certified through SD Vista.

Sustainable Development Goals

The projects have a significant sustainable development impact across climate, social and economic empowerment, meeting a minimum of 7 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  • CQC’s stove increases thermal efficiency to 30%, cutting CO2 emissions in half or more, and greatly reducing non-CO2 gas and Black Carbon emissions.
  • CQC integrates its cookstove interventions in sustainable agriculture through its partnerships with conservation farming NGOs and organic farming enterprises at the small-holder level, internalizing fuel supply in cropping systems and on farm and village border plantings to create a virtuous circle of sustainable land management.

Carbon Credits

Viridios Capital has access to a significant allocation of the CQC’s Cook Stove carbon credits. Contact our Corporate Solutions team to learn more.



Waterhouse River Carbon Project

The Waterhouse River Carbon Project spans approximately 139,200 hectares and borders Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory.

Mai Ndombe REDD+ Project in Democratic Republic of Congo

The Mai Ndombe REDD+ Project protects areas zoned for logging using carbon revenues to halt the reinstatement of commercial logging contracts.